Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Little Tart

Have I mentioned my love of food puns? This might be the first on the blog, but a few minutes in a grocery store will get the "pun times" rolling. Lame introductory paragraph aside, this weekend was a little bittersweet, but ended with a little tart...quite literally. A week up in Park City with the family was the sweet part; days at the pool, adventuring in the Olympic Park, enjoying a scrumptious Italian dinner, and a float down Provo River proves that point. Though we'd all love Sister C. to be there, she decided to be in England for the past year and for the next six months. I don't really feel that badly, but it was a bit bitter because we had to celebrate her birthday without her the day after our Park City escapades had ended. Psh, not only did she miss the family vacation, she missed her birthday! Not really, we sent the party to her. Bless the people in England who are willing to not only have her over for cake, but make her a classic British dinner, and show her the little film of her friends and family wishing her a happy birthday. England did treat her right, though I'd rather have her in America.

The second dose of bitter was sending sister L. off to college. Though I'm not entirely convinced she's old enough to be in at a university, I suppose that's what happens to smart girls after high school. Perhaps to console myself (or my mom, it's a toss up really), a little fruit tart seemed to be in order. Though it's kinda cute to send photos of the cat as my new roommate to the sister down at school, the reality of the cat actually being my roommate is a touch disheartening.

This is just a preview to the long awaited peach season. I can't wait. 
Because breakfast should be delicious and pretty...and basically dessert
Though the fruit mosaic atop buttery shortbread didn't quite alter that reality, it didn't make anything worse. It does make me sad to see my little sister grow up, I am jubilantly envious she'll be staying up late, eating too many Oreos, and making friends she'll keep through the years. I like flipping back in my journal/sketchbook to reminisce a little bit...though college barely ended, it seems like another chapter of my life (and provides a good reminder that I was still a little foodie, even when on a college budget).

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Popsicle Me Pretty

Naturally, life's latest purchase was a popsicle mold. Forget grown up decisions and plans to be made; a popsicle mold was clearly an essential purchase.  I’m pretty sure it's come up in 98% of the conversations I’ve had in the past 2 weeks…making this mold pretty vital to my social life. You’d be surprised to know how well I can awkwardly segue into announcing my purchase. “Are you going to that thing on Saturday?” “No, but I did make mango swirled yogurt pops last Saturday….here’s a picture. Look at my picture. Do you see my picture? Love my picture.” 

An embarrassingly long time was spent researching what mold would be purchased. Yes, you are correct. Not only did I recently purchase a popsicle mold I am ecstatic about, I also spent double digit’s worth of hours research which popsicle mold I would be ecstatic about. Research happened to pay off because: this. 

See? Gorgeous. Combined with the recent DSLR purchase, popsicles were obviously the focus of all my photos this week. I'm sure I’m not the only one who adores seeing amber honey slowly whirled into creamy white yogurt, and judging by how quickly these pops seem to disappear from the freezer, I know I”m not the only one who likes nibbling the frozen creations. Most of my experimentations are also healthy or something which is wonderful because who can feel bad about eating fruit and yogurt? Unless you eat all 10, but still that wouldn’t the that horrid. 

So far, all pops have been wildly successful. The horchata pops weren't that pretty but the cinnamon created a nice little ring at the top and bottle that was slightly spicy and gave some texture to the creamy pop…though if we are judging delicious-ness based on yummy bits, the graham cracker lime crust of the key lime pops had to be the winner. Those disappeared quite quickly.

 Strawberry season made it natural to puree and swirl with vanilla bean yogurt, and juicy ripe mangoes from the Asian market were practically made to be spooned with yogurt and frozen. The orangey color just blended so beautifully it was too much to not put on Instagram….and these red berry pops are too pretty to not ramble on about online. 

Oh, and by the way....all make for fab breakfast fare.